FLEPS 2020 Best Student Paper Awards
1st Place
“Si Nanoribbons Based High Performance Printed FETs Using Room-Temperature Deposited Dielectric”
Ayoub Zumeit, Dhayalan Shakthivel, Ravinder Dahiya
2nd Place
“Method for Inkjet-Printing PEDOT:PSS Polymer Electrodes on Piezoelectric PVDF-TrFE Fibers”
Andrew Closson, Haley Richards, Lin Dong, Zhe Xu, John Zhang
3rd Place
“3D Printed Robotic Hand with Embedded Touch Sensors”
Markellos Ntagios, Pablo Escobedo, Ravinder Dahiya
IEEE FLEPS 2020 Keynote Speakers- Live Sessions!
Final Manuscript Submission Deadline
Advanced Registration Deadline
Presentation Upload Deadline

Call for Papers
The 2nd edition of the IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS 2020) will be held in Manchester, England, United Kingdom. Known throughout the world as the birthplace of the industrial revolution, Manchester has a proud history in science, politics, music, arts and sport. And today the city combines this heritage with a progressive vision to be a city that delivers surprise and delight in equal measures.
IEEE FLEPS 2020 is intended to provide a forum for research scientists, engineers, and practitioners throughout the world to present their latest research findings, ideas, and applications in the area of Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems.
Topics Of Interest
- Organic Electronics
- Emerging Materials for Flexible and Printable Systems
- Manufacturing Techniques (including Printing)
- High-throughput Printable Electronics
- Organic/Inorganic/Hybrid Flexible Sensors and Electronics
- Stretchable/Shrinkable Sensors and Electronics
- Soft/Smart Wearable and Implantable Sensing Systems
- Printed Large-Area Sensors and Systems
- Disposable/Reusable Sensors and
Electronics - Flexible or Printed Active and Passive Components (e.g. actuators, printed energy storage, generation devices, smart labels, RFID etc.)
- Emerging applications of Flexible Electronics inc. IoT, smart cities etc.
- Simulation and Modelling
- Flexible/Printable Electronics in context with Circular Economy